Latest Videos | CrossFit | Injury Corner | Running Performance + Efficiency | StrongFeet
Running Performance + Efficiency
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Latest Videos | CrossFit | Injury Corner | Running Performance + Efficiency | StrongFeet
Latest Videos | CrossFit | Injury Corner | Running Performance + Efficiency | StrongFeet
Running is a complex movement requiring control and efficient organisation of many body parts at once
But this simple TIP will have you moving Lighter.. Stronger.. and will dramatically extend your Running LIFE
I have almost never seen a Runner improve their posture with the cue "Lean".. it most often confuses the whole process and results in less efficient running
Instead.. improving Running Posture is all about your HEAD position. Watch the video and improve your posture instantly
There are only two variables when assessing Runners in my Clinic.. Load and Volume.
Given a choice of reducing one of these variables to improve Running Efficiency and Reduce Injuries.. I will always take Load
Latest Videos | CrossFit | Injury Corner | Running Performance + Efficiency | StrongFeet